Ice packs. No one likes melted candy. To keep chocolates and other meltable candies from melting during hot weather months, it is highly recommended that you use expedited shipping methods. For all orders using expedited shipping in hot weather months, ice packs are free of charge.
We have found that with Ground Shipping ice packs often melt long before the package arrives, thus negating their usefulness. Cold packs will not last more than 2 or 3 days when it's hot outside. That's why we include cold packs in orders with the following conditions only: Next Day Air, Second Day Air, and Ground shipping to a city within 5 hours drive of New York City. Otherwise, they will not last the duration of the trip. So please use expedited shipping so you'll get those ice packs.
Also, we may only ship meltable orders Monday through Wednesday if we observe it to be appropriate. That way, with FedEx Next Day or Second Day Air shipping it should be delivered by the end of the week, and avoid sitting in a FedEx warehouse all weekend. If we're shipping to a residence, it is also helpful if someone is home to receive the package. Not many people have air-conditioned front porches! And FedEx will not take our direction to leave your package in a specific place. We've tried to tell them a million times!
Please keep in mind that we will not be held responsible for any melted candy items, regardless of the circumstances.